Wisdom Redress
By: Megan Leigh Kasper ~ Opulent Art & Design
“Butterflies can't see their wings. They can't see how truly beautiful they are, but everyone else can. People are like that as well.”
I heard this quote & thought, I want people to know & believe they truly have wings & they are beautiful, so I started painting wings so when your spirit flutters when seeing it, then this may be your wings you can't see.
This stunning painting came out of nowhere, I just felt the color red & began painting, as it took form I then felt like the edges needed to be ones that were dabbed instead of spread which then it gave it the effect of feathers which is so regal. The lines & the folds came forth with little to no effort which is not usually how paintings come forth but this one did. Wisdom came to mind while I painted because of the regal feel it presents & the one who connects with this wing, you carry wisdom & it’s so natural like you have a higher way of seeing the light. You move in authority & in grander without sparkle but yet can be seen farther than the glamour. Your wisdom is of the old ancients but you are one who is always young at heart & in tune with the spirit leaving finger prints of release wherever you go!
Original : $1,000
Size - 24'x30' on Canvas
Email Megan about purchasing Original: MeganLeighKasper@gmail.com
Reprint Prices:
Card - $5
3 Pack of Cards - $13
12 Pack of Cards - $50
5x7 - $15
8x10 - $25
11x14 - $40
16x20 - $60
5x7 withMat - $25
8x10 withMat - $40
11x14 withMat - $60
11x14 Canvas Print - $125
11x14 Cancas Print with Black Frame - $160
16x20 Canvas Print - $160
16x20 Canvas Print with Black Frame - $220
*for brown or gold frame Select black frame, write in notes brown or gold *Gold frame takes a couple weeks to come in
Wisdom Redress
High Quality Print that is available in mutliple sizes.
Color options are for the having the print in a mat or just the print.
Prophetic Words hand written on the back of each.
If it for a friend I can make the prophetic word out to them, please write a little note in the specify box bellow.