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                  View of the Violin

By: Megan Leigh Kasper -Opulent Art & Design

This art piece was inspired by an audio story I use to listen to, called “Vivaldi’s Ring of Mystery.” It was about a special violin in Venice being stolen with the music composed by Vivaldi all throughout the story. The music was what inspired me the most, taking me on an adventure of my own & intrigued me to view the violin differently. It’s way it changes the atmosphere of any composition, it can be light & bright, sad & morbid, buzzing & fast or somber & slow. It has so many different moods which is what the we as atmosphere changers are like. Also another song that likened us to the Violin was “Touch of the Master’s Hand” by Ray Bolz, which was also another inspiration for this composition. The melody & mood we play is the sweetest & most beautiful when we are in the hands of the Master Craftsman. Highly recommend listening to it, keep tissues handy


Original: $120

Unframed 8x10, Mated in White 


Reprint Prices

Card - $5

3 Pack of Cards - $13

12 Pack of Cards - $50


5x7 - $15

8x10 - $25

11x14 - $40

16x20  - $60


5x7 withMat - $25

8x10 withMat - $40

11x14 withMat - $60




View of the Violin

Mat Color
  • High Quality Print that is available in mutliple sizes.

    Color options are for the having the print in a mat or just the print.  

    Prophetic Words hand written on the back of each.

    If it for a friend I can make the prophetic word out to them, please write a little note in the specify box bellow. 

© 2023 By M.L.K. Artist

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