The Bridal Path
By: Megan Leigh Kasper ~ Opulent Art & Design
This was painted in the Global Prayer Room on a night I had nothing preplanned as to what to paint & just letting Holy Spirit lead. I’ve been going through a season where the voice of the enemy has been loud all around me, making everything seem so black. As I was painting this I felt like Holy Spirit was showing me that it may be black but my path (same as the path of the Bride of Christ) is one that has been covered in the blood of Christ. (Past) That I have put on the garments of praise & standing firm in His love & truths. (Present) Then lastly before me is the revelation of the spirit & the path towards heaven that reaches into the air. (Future) Now this is the reality that the Bride (I & you) should be living out of, so believe it for you.
Original: Not Availible
Reprint Prices:
Card - $5
3 Pack of Cards - $13
12 Pack of Cards - $50
5x7 - $15
8x10 - $25
11x14 - $40
16x20 - $60
5x7 withMat - $25
8x10 withMat - $40
11x14 withMat - $60
11x14 Canvas Print - $125
11x14 Cancas Print with Black Frame - $160
16x20 Canvas Print - $160
16x20 Canvas Print with Black Frame - $220
*for brown or gold frame Select black frame, write in notes brown or gold *Gold frame takes a couple weeks to come in
The Bridal Path
High Quality Print that is available in mutliple sizes.
Color options are for the having the print in a mat or just the print.
Prophetic Words hand written on the back of each.
If it for a friend I can make the prophetic word out to them, please write a little note in the specify box bellow.