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                                               Soaring Seahorse

                           By:Megan Leigh Kasper ~Opulent Art & Design


                                              The Blessing

                By:Megan Leigh Kasper ~Opulent Art & Design

With this painting the Lord was impressing on me about how He took Abraham out & showed him the stars in the sky, too many to be counted, making the promise that his descendants would be more than those. God’s blessing of legacy, of His heart to multiply is what this painting is all about, even in the cold & winter seasons where no fruit is seen because He knows above & beyond what we can see or know in our present places. He places Aurora’s in the sky as promises to the beauty of heaven & the promises He’s placed over your life. He does want to bless you no matter what season but it can take a lifetime, but not eternity to fulfill. Keep on the path before you & declaring the Blessings & the Promises.

Original: SOLD 

                                            Crowning Aurora

                  By:Megan Leigh Kasper ~Opulent Art & Design

As I created this piece it was like my hands were painting without my brain but completely my heart. Holy Spirit was flowing & making it be completely prophetic in letting the symbolic pieces come together. The mountain is the mountain of worship like in Psalm 99:9 – ‘Worship at His Holy Mountain.’ There I saw the majesty of ourselves, His royal diadem are in full color, announcing the rise of the King of Kings. 7 Jewels adorn the crown which are the seven spirits of the church. The stars dance around the main jewel of the crown as we lift up our crowns to bring honor & glory to His goodness & sovereignty.

Original: SOLD 

                                              Precious Jem

                By: Megan Leigh Kasper ~ Opulent Art & Design

The Lord was speaking to me again of the Aurora Borealis & how it was a symbol of the gifting of the Seer, artist & mystics. Where like the northern lights, it’s something invisible until the light of the sun hits it, so is what the seer/artist sees, most can’t see it till the Lord shines on it revealing the mysteries. The heart of the Lord is in it all & that’s what this piece depicts. As it can be hard to not have others understand the things of the Lord when it’s not of this world but He still is in the midst of it & will prove His word to be everlasting. We are just the messengers & if it’s His message then we will see it become brighter as the time goes on

Original: SOLD 


Reprint Prices

Card - $5

3 Pack of Cards - $13

12 Pack of Cards - $50


5x7 - $15

8x10 - $25

11x14 - $40

16x20  - $60


5x7 withMat - $25

8x10 withMat - $40

11x14 withMat - $60


11x14 Canvas Print - $125

11x14 Cancas Print with Black Frame - $160


16x20 Canvas Print - $160

16x20 Canvas Print with Black Frame - $220

*for brown or gold frame Select black frame, write in notes brown or gold *Gold frame takes a couple weeks to come in

Whimsey Heaven Art

  • High Quality Print that is available in mutliple sizes.

    Color options are for the having the print in a mat or just the print.  

    Prophetic Words hand written on the back of each.

    If it for a friend I can make the prophetic word out to them, please write a little note in the specify box bellow. 

© 2023 By M.L.K. Artist

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